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Illinois Federation of Public Employees | Local 4408
A Union of Professionals
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Photos of IFPE Local 4408 Supporters in Attorney General's Office
(via Rene Mandin) Solidarity from IFPE Local 4408 members in the Illinois Attorney General Office! We want a fair contract now!
IFT President Releases Statement as CTU Strike Ends
(via the Illinois Federation of Teachers) IFT President Dan Montgomery issued the following statement upon news of the end of the CTU...
Upcoming Membership Meeting for Secretary of State Bargaining Unit
A general membership meeting will be held on the following dates to update the members on developments with our contract negotiation...
Chicago Teachers Union Strike Solidarity Fund: Show Your Support
(via the American Federation of Teachers) The CTU family needs our support as they strike for themselves and for the schools our students...

Union Spirit at the Office
taken at the Alzina Building in downtown Springfield
IFT President Issues Statement of Support for Striking CPS Teachers and Staff
IFT President Dan Montgomery released the following statement on Wednesday, October 16, in support of striking Chicago Teachers Union,...
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