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Illinois Federation of Public Employees | Local 4408
A Union of Professionals
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RC-29, RC-45, and RC-56 Master Contract Ratification
Dear IFPE Local 4408 Member, On August 27, 2019, IFPE Local 4408 held a statewide contract ratification vote. This voting opportunity was...

Instructions for Voting on Contract (Affects RC-29, RC-45, and RC-56) -- Text of Contract Now Availa
Dear IFPE Member: The IFPE 4408 Bargaining Team has reached a tentative agreement on a master contract with CMS. Please find attached a...
Instructions for Voting on Contract (Affects RC-29, RC-45, and RC-56)
Dear IFPE Member: The IFPE 4408 Bargaining Team has reached a tentative agreement on a master contract with CMS. Please find attached a...

IFPE Local 4408 Bargaining Units Under Governor's Office (RC-29, RC-45, and RC-56) Reach Tentati
(via Matthew Emigholz, IFPE Local 4408 President)

IFT Responds to Illinois Policy Institute Mailing Questioning the Value of Union Membership
(Update: 8/14/19) The Illinois Policy Institute has sent out yet another mailing, pulling out all the stops to try to convince IFT...
IFT Local 4407 and IFPE Local 4408 Negotiations Update (Affects Secretary of State Employees)
Brothers and Sisters, The IFT Local 4407 and IFPE Local 4408 bargaining teams met with management July 23rd. We are happy to say that we...
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