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Los Angeles Teachers Win Pay Increase, Caps on Charter Schools

A list of the benefits teachers gained from the six-day strike:

  • A much-deserved 6 percent pay raise with no contingencies.

  • A nurse in every school five days a week.

  • Hard caps on class size that will lower class sizes immediately in 2019-20, with more improvements every year after.

  • A commitment to reduce testing by 50 percent.

  • A teacher librarian in every secondary school five days a week.

  • Investment in community schools.

  • A clear pathway to capping charters.

  • Hard caps on special education caseloads and release time for testing.

  • Important wins for adult education, early childhood education and substitute educators.

  • Progress on common-good demands such as ending random searches, expanding green space and supporting immigrant families.

For more information, read the full announcement here.

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