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Save the Date: Fair Tax Day of Action on Tuesday, April 30

All – the date has just been set by the Responsible Budget Coalition and Think Big IL for a Fair Tax Day of Action on Tuesday, April 30th.

It is possible that lawmakers will vote on the legislation to put Fair Tax on the ballot that day and we want to show them Fair Tax has our support.

What: Fair Tax Day of Action

When: Tuesday, April 30th at 12pm (Governor Pritzker and others will be speaking in support of Fair Tax)

Where: Lincoln statue on East side of capitol building (intersection of Capitol Avenue and 2nd Street)

Please let members, activists and retirees know about this event and encourage them to attend. Implementing a Fair Tax in IL will give 97% of earners tax relief while also raising $3.4 billion in new revenue each year that can be used for funding schools, colleges and universities, and essential services.

Logistics - Think Big IL will be announcing some logistical support including bus locations. We will share that information as soon as it is available.

IFT will share other info as it becomes available, and if you have any questions about how your local can mobilize for this event please let me know.

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