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Support Striking IFT Members at Chicago City Colleges and Charter Schools

(via the Illinois Federation of Teachers)

CTU and Local 1708 have been forced to the picket lines.

After three years of difficult bargaining with an ever-changing administration, the 450 full- and part-time workers at the City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) were forced to the picket lines today. They need your help! These workers serve on the front lines of the City Colleges and provide critical student and administrative services at the seven campuses. Nearly 2/3 of the part-time employees are paid less than Chicago's minimum wage and can't afford healthcare. Despite that, the salaries in the chancellor's office have increased by nearly 40 percent in the last two years. Local 1708 members deserve a livable wage and respect on the job! Here's what you can do to help:

  • Donate to the Local 1708 strike fund.

  • Post photos and videos of support on social media and tag @local1708.

  • Send solidarity messages to: The Federation of College Clerical and Technical Personnel, ATTN: Teresa Walker, Treasurer, 53 W Jackson Blvd. Suite 1362, Chicago, IL 60604.

Please donate and show your support today!

Chicago Teachers Union Charter Schools, Local 1

Tomorrow morning, May 2, teachers at multiple Chicago charter schools will strike after holding a rally and press conference this afternoon. They are calling for funding to be directed to the classrooms and students rather than management salaries and non-education spending. It's the third strike against charter school operators in Chicago this school year and the first strike against multiple operators at once. Please support our CTU charter school brothers and sisters! Here's what you can do:

  • Show your support on social media! Post solidarity photos and videos using the hashtags #CTUACTSstrike and #FairContractNow. Tag posts with @ctulocal1.

  • Send letters of solidarity to: Chicago Teachers Union-ACTS, 1901 W. Carroll St., Chicago, IL 60612.


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217.523.3722 | 800.962.7124

4 Lawrence Square
Springfield, IL 62704


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