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Update on IFPE Local 4408 Contract Negotiations (Affects Agencies Under Governor)

(via Matthew Emigholz, IFPE Local 4408 President)

Note: This update applies to only those agencies that are under the Governor; the affected Local 4408 Regional Councils are RC-29, RC-45, and RC-56.

Dear IFPE RC Unit Members,

Your IFPE 4408 Negotiation Team has began negotiations with management on a new 4 year agreement.

We met with Management for several hours last week and will be meeting again on Monday. These meetings have been productive. Unlike 4 years ago Management is now listening to our concerns and appear to be making a real effort in order to reach a fair agreement with our Union by the end of the month.

As many of you know AFSCME has reached a Tentative Agreement with CMS. AFSCME members will meet over the next week or so to present their Union Contract and seek for a ratification.

You can be assured that your Bargaining Team is making a strong case for a fair economic package and modest language changes to strengthen our entire Master Contract.

IFPE 4408 Bargaining Team will continue to keep you updated on our progress. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact your Area Vice President.

In Solidarity,

Tom Jackson

AVP RC-56, IFPE 4408 Negotiation Chairman


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