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IFPE Local 4408 Negotiations Update (Affects Only Those Offices Under the Governor)

IFPE 4408 Member,

Your IFPE Negotiation Team has met with management 4 days in June to negotiate a successor 4-year Master Agreement. IFPE presented management with 32 proposals holding 2 economic proposals until we are further along in the negotiation process. At this time, we have tentative agreements on 20 of 32 proposals. Although a lot of progress was made, the 4 days of negotiations in June did not allot us enough time to reach an agreement by July 01, 2019.

Negotiations dates have been scheduled for the following dates: 7/18, 7/19 and 7/22. We hope to have a complete Tentative Agreement soon to present to our membership for a ratification vote. Any agreement made will be retroactive to July 01, 2019.

Please reach out to your RC-Area Vice President if you have questions or need further details.

In Solidarity,

Tom Jackson

IFPE 4408 Negotiation Chair, RC-56 AVP


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217.523.3722 | 800.962.7124

4 Lawrence Square
Springfield, IL 62704


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