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IFT Local 4407 and IFPE Local 4408 Negotiations Update (Affects Secretary of State Employees)

Brothers and Sisters,

The IFT Local 4407 and IFPE Local 4408 bargaining teams met with management July 23rd.

We are happy to say that we have finished the non-economic language portion of negotiations. We have scheduled three more negotiation dates when we will begin economic talks. Please continue to wear your NAVY BLUE and buttons to show your solidarity and support, especially on our next negotiation dates of August 22nd, August 28th, and September 11th.

It is vital for every member to show their support of the bargaining team as we continue these negotiations. Please feel free to ask if you would like to become involved in advocating for your rights. If you would like a shirt, button, or sign to show your solidarity, please contact one of your union representatives.

In solidarity,

Your IFT Local 4407 & IFPE Local 4408 Bargaining Team

Andrew Spiro Gwen Harrison Marc Streb

Sheri Vaughan Dave Knauer Curt Carter

Jim Ladd John Clifford Jay Dickerson

Lana Basden Eowyn Montgomery Todd Irving

Dave Sapochak Tom Huber Bonnie Matheis

Rod Schleder Ray Dewitt Joe Wood


Contact Us


217.523.3722 | 800.962.7124

4 Lawrence Square
Springfield, IL 62704


© 2023 Illinois Federtaion of Public Employees.

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