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Negotiations Update for Bargaining Units Under the Secretary of State (December 16)

Brothers and Sisters,

We had a mediation session with management on Monday, December 16th. Unfortunately it did not end with a tentative agreement.

We were given a “Last, Best and Final” offer from management.

What does that mean? We will be bringing the offer to the membership for a vote. The union’s bargaining team does not endorse the offer, but it will be the membership’s decision to accept or not accept based upon the outcome of the vote.

At the general membership meeting, we will also be taking a strike authorization vote if the vote to accept management’s offer doesn’t pass. We will be explaining the “Last, Best and Final” offer, the union’s current offer and what does a strike authorization vote entail all before votes are cast.

It is imperative that you attend the general membership meeting for the information and to make YOUR VOICE heard via your vote.

We continue to value the membership’s support during this negotiations’ process.

Please look for information about membership meeting dates, times and locations. We will forward those as soon as locations are secured.

In unity,

Your IFT Local 4407 & IFPE Local 4408 Bargaining Team

Andrew Spiro Gwen Harrison Marc Streb

Sheri Vaughan Dave Knauer Curt Carter

Jim Ladd John Clifford Jay Dickerson

Lana Basden Eowyn Montgomery Todd Irving

Dave Sapochak Tom Huber Bonnie Matheis

Rod Schleder Ray Dewitt Joe Wood

Contact Us


217.523.3722 | 800.962.7124

4 Lawrence Square
Springfield, IL 62704

© 2023 Illinois Federtaion of Public Employees.

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