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Latest Update on Contract Negotiations for Secretary of State Bargaining Units

(via Deneen Taylor, IFT Field Service Director)

Brothers and Sisters,

The bargaining team met with management on Friday, February 14, and reached a tentative agreement that the bargaining team endorses.

Please check your e-mail for the Tentative Agreement that will be voted upon by the membership.

Please attend one of the meetings where the bargaining team will present the Tentative Agreement and answer questions. You may cast a vote at one of the meetings.

Ratification meetings will be held on the following dates and times:

Tuesday, February 25: State Library, Room 403/404, 12:00-1:00 PM

Dunne Building, Conference Room, 12:00-1:00 PM

Wednesday, February 26: Howlett, Auditorium, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Dirksen Parkway, Bubble Room, 1:00-2:00 PM

Ballots may be cast at the following locations from 12:00 PM on Tuesday, February 25, to 4:00 PM on Wednesday February 26.

Any ratification meeting

Lana Basdan Howlett, Room 089

Sheri Vaughan State Library, Room 502

Jay Dickerson Dirksen Parkway

Jim Ladd Archives, Reference Desk

Marc Streb Dunne Building, Marc Streb Office

John Clifford Howlett, 5th Floor

Ray Dewitt Herndon Building, 2nd Floor

Voting will close at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, February 26.

We appreciate your continued support and solidarity!

In Solidarity,

Your IFT Local 4407 & IFPE Local 4408 Bargaining Team

Andrew Spiro Gwen Harrison Marc Streb

Sheri Vaughan Dave Knauer Curt Carter

Jim Ladd John Clifford Jay Dickerson

Lana Basden Eowyn Montgomery Joe Wood

Tom Huber Bonnie Matheis Rod Schleder

Ray Dewitt


Contact Us


217.523.3722 | 800.962.7124

4 Lawrence Square
Springfield, IL 62704


© 2023 Illinois Federtaion of Public Employees.

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