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#IFTSTRONG: A Message from IFT Secretary-Treasurer Jane Russell in the Midst of Coronavirus

(via the Illinois Federation of Teachers)

As the number of COVID-19 cases surpasses 3,000 in Illinois, we're sharing the latest ways to help with our state's response. Find what PPE (personal protetictive equipment) can be donated, contribute to the Illinois Covid-19 Response Fund, or, if you are able, donate blood via the Red Cross. IFT Secretary-Treasurer Jane Russell wants you to know that at IFT, we are here for you. Watch the video to hear what she said.

#IFTSTRONG: Coronavirus edition

A week ago, we launched #IFTSTRONG: Coronavirus edition, where we recognize the tremendous things our members are doing during this difficult time for their students, colleagues, and communities. The stories keep coming in! Check in regularly as we highlight our members' great stories like the one below. Tell us how you're staying #IFTSTRONG by tagging @iftaft on social media or sending photos and anecdotes to

Resources now available!

Teaching from home or homeschooling your own kids or grandkids? Trying to avoid cabin fever while working remotely? Your union wants to help you get through this new day to day we’re all living, so we’ve compiled some great resources to keep students and families engaged (and yourself motivated) during these socially-distanced times. Check out our Learning Resources, and find even more on our Pinterest page!

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217.523.3722 | 800.962.7124

4 Lawrence Square
Springfield, IL 62704


© 2023 Illinois Federtaion of Public Employees.

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