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COVID-19 Updates from the American Federation of Teachers: Mental Health Support, Limiting COVID-19

(via the American Federation of Teachers)
Public Employees Mental Health Support

Public employees are working everyday to maintain our society through remote work or in our worksites. AFT has partnered with the Anxiety and Depression Association of America to pull together resources for our members as we deal with our collective increased anxiety during the COVID 19 pandemic. Please share these resources with your colleagues. FIGHT COVID Resources.

Cloth Face Coverings and Face Shields

Every day, we face the challenge of limiting our exposure to COVID-19. Cloth face coverings may have a place in guarding against exposure, but it’s important to understand where they fit in the overall protection strategy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that you should cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when you have to be out in the public or at work because you are an essential employee. For members who are interacting directly with the public, face shields may be appropriate. For more information about cloth face coverings, AFT has put together a two page document of Face Covering Do's and Don'ts for members. Additionally, here is a video on how to make your own face shield and more information from the AFT on face shields.

Workers Comp and COVID 19

As members continue to serve the public on the front lines, often with little PPE, unions must be ready to support a presumption of employment cause for members that contract COVID 19. Public employees who have been deemed mission critical and essential during this public health crisis should fill out a workers compensation injury form if they contract the disease.


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217.523.3722 | 800.962.7124

4 Lawrence Square
Springfield, IL 62704


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