IFT Update for April 24: Governor Extends Stay-At-Home Order Through May 30, and Other News
(via the Illinois Federation of Teachers)
Friday Afternoon News Updates
Yesterday, Governor Pritzker made the announcement that the Stay-At-Home order will be extended through May 30, with some exceptions. In addition, beginning May 1, Illinoisans are required to wear a mask in public places where social distancing isn't possible, like grocery stores. If you need to make a homemade face covering, you can use this resource from the CDC. Also announced: Drive-up Wi-Fi hotspots for students are now available in many locations throughout the state. Find the map here to see if there's one your students can access.
#IFTSTRONG: Coronavirus edition
Make sure you regularly check out #IFTSTRONG: Coronavirus edition, where we recognize the tremendous things our members are doing during this difficult time for their students, colleagues, and communities. Visit the page to see more great stories from our members like the one below. Tell us how you're staying #IFTSTRONG by tagging @iftaft on social media or sending photos and anecdotes to info@ift-aft.org.

Save the Date!
Join the IFT at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, April 29, for an important conversation about our work in the time of COVID-19.
More information will be shared with you next week on how to participate. We are having this call to check in together, share what we know now about the end of the academic year, and look ahead to what is in store. The lieutenant governor will join us to provide information and take questions.