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Locals Step Up to Urge YES Votes for the Fair Tax

(via the Illinois Federation of Teachers)

IFT locals across the state understand the importance of passing a Fair Tax in the upcoming General Election, so they have been pulling out all the stops this summer to let their members and communities know why it’s critical to vote YES for fairness!

University Professionals of Illinois (UPI Local 4100) is spreading the word about the Fair Tax to all higher education members in Illinois. UPI held a webinar in August for all college and university faculty and staff. Expert panelists Ralph Martire (director, Center for Tax and Budget Accountability), State Rep. Emanuel Chris Welch, IFT President Dan Montgomery and UPI President John Miller spoke with hundreds of members via Zoom to explain the benefits of the Fair Tax for higher education, including much-needed funding.

Southwest Suburban Teachers Union (Local 943) is educating members about the Fair Tax and providing members with a little “swag” at the same time! The local included a “Get Out the Vote” sticker and a Fair Tax window cling in their back-to-school member packets this summer. And beginning in late August, the local sent personal postcards to each member and will continue to do so through October to spread the word about voting YES to a fair tax structure for everyone.

In Central Illinois, several locals came together for a Presidents’ and Treasurers’ workshop to learn more about the Fair Tax. Union leaders got the facts about how a Fair Tax will benefit lower- and middle-class families, our schools, and state services. They were also introduced to the Fair Tax calculator to help them discover how much they would save.

Participating locals included:

  • Champaign Federation of Teachers (Local 1925)

  • Cuba Federation of Teachers & Support Staff (Local 3799)

  • Four Rivers Special Education District (Local 3924)

  • Decatur Federation of Teaching Assistants (Local 4324)

  • South Scott Federation of Teachers (Local 4140)

  • South Scott Federation of Paraprofessional & Support Personnel (Local 6115)

Madison Federation of Teachers and Support Staff (Local 763) are taking to the streets to educate community members about how to apply for a mail ballot and what issues are at stake in this election, including the Fair Tax. Beginning in late August, local members began safe neighborhood canvassing to have one-on-one conversations with community members about how the Fair Tax will cut taxes for many Illinoisans and generate additional funding for schools and investment in communities.

Learn more about how the Fair Tax will benefit you here. Also, listen to members give their own testimonials on the importance of a Fair Tax in this video (scroll down).


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