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IFT Celebrates 40 Years of Collective-Bargaining Rights

This week marks the 40th anniversary of the passage of laws that granted collective-bargaining rights to public employees in Illinois. It happened because of YOU and the other dedicated union members, leaders, and staff who helped pave the way for a fairer future. We did it together.

Please click here for a video message.

I am deeply grateful for everything we have achieved over the past 40 years. Thanks to you and all IFT members, we have transformed the landscape, not only for public workers, but ALL workers. We have bettered our public schools, increased student learning, and improved state services for all Illinoisans. As an IFT member, I hope you are proud of our efforts. Because of what we achieved four decades ago, our union keeps growing stronger and we continue to use our powerful collective voice to help build a brighter future for students and our state. As always, thanks for all you do.

In solidarity, Dan Montgomery, IFT President



Contact Us


217.523.3722 | 800.962.7124

4 Lawrence Square
Springfield, IL 62704

© 2023 Illinois Federtaion of Public Employees.

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