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Illinois Federation of Teachers Announces Endorsements in Primary Race

WESTMONT – The Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) Executive Board voted on Saturday, May 14 to endorse candidates for federal, state, and judicial races in the June 28 Primary Election.

The endorsements are the result of the union’s robust candidate review process, which includes candidate questionnaires and surveys, regional discussions, and thorough consideration by board members. IFT’s Executive Board is comprised of 40 elected individuals who represent our diverse local unions statewide.

The IFT had previously early endorsed Alexi Giannoulias for Secretary of State, State Representative Delia Ramirez for U.S. Congress (3rd District), Nikki Budzinski for U.S. Congress (13th District), and Justice Mary Kay O’Brien for Illinois Supreme Court (3rd District).

This Primary Election is an important one; it’s a critical step toward electing lawmakers in June who share our union’s values and will strive to create the future we all deserve. Candidates who have earned the IFT’s endorsement have expressed staunch support for vital public services and a commitment to public education at every level.

IFT President Dan Montgomery said, “We are proud to support these women and men who have demonstrated a will to protect collective bargaining and champion public education and public services. These outstanding candidates represent the collective values of our membership and a desire to work with us to advance our shared goals on behalf of students and communities.”

Visit for additional voter information and a complete list of IFT 2022 Primary Election endorsements.



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