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Invitation to Attend Labor Day Picnic in Downtown Decatur (Sat., Sept. 5, 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM)

(via Springfield & Central Illinois Trades & Labor Council)

Due to the fact that Springfield is not hosting any Labor Day activities this year, the Springfield & Central Illinois Trades & Labor Council has purchased a sponsorship to the Decatur Labor Day Picnic, and all our delegates and families are invited to attend.

The Picnic will take place immediately following the Decatur Labor Day Parade, which begins at 10:00 AM in downtown Decatur. The gathering will last from approximately 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM. The Picnic hosts about 2,500 union members and their families and includes food, drinks, music, games, raffles, and an ice cream truck. Wristbands are required, so stop at the check-in table on Labor Day and let them know you are with the Springfield CLC to get yours.

At 1:00 PM, the Council will pause the picnic to distribute $16,500 in grants to local charity from the We Are One Community fund. Raffles will be drawn at that time. Raffle prizes include a Playstation 5, Traeger Grill, shepherds hook, and Blackstone grill. Tickets cost $5 each, or you can buy 3 for $10. You do not need to be present to win. There will also be door prizes (at no cost) and a 50/50 raffle.

See below for additional details, including sponsorship opportunities and examples of the We Are One Community fund's work. Direct any questions to Amy Rueff, We Are One Community Chair, at 217-433-5126.

Please feel free to attend the Decatur Parade and Picnic and enjoy a day of solidarity.



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217.523.3722 | 800.962.7124

4 Lawrence Square
Springfield, IL 62704

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