Legislative Highlights for the End of Fall Veto Session (Part 2 of 2)
Update on an Elected School Board in Chicago
Lawmakers in the House and Senate could not agree before adjourning their fall veto session on how elections would happen in 2024 and 2026 to transition to a fully elected school board.
According to a 2021 law and its subsequent trailer bill, 10 school board members are to be elected on Nov. 5, 2024, from 10 geographic districts. The mayor would appoint a school board president and 10 members from those same districts. In November 2026, the appointed seats would be elected, and a school board president would be chosen by all Chicago voters.
The House version of the school board maps and election process language was included in SB 689 (Harmon/Williams) and the Senate version was included in HB 2233 (Hoffman/Harmon). Neither bill saw action by both chambers and it’s likely this issue will resurface when the legislature convenes in January.
A look ahead
Legislators will return to Springfield for the spring session on January 16, 2024.