Tell Your Legislators: We Need Action to Keep Students and Schools Safe!
(via the Illinois Federation of Teachers)
Last week, we asked you to TAKE ACTION for our students and schools. There's still time to contact your state legislators.
We’re calling on Illinois lawmakers to pass measures that do five things on behalf of Illinois educators and students:
Establish clear metrics, so districts know when to switch to remote learning to keep students and staff safe.
Enforce guidance and requirements put forth by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), and heed the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Provide rapid COVID-19 testing in schools so infected students and staff can be identified before they spread the virus.
Urge the prioritization of education workers in the vaccine schedule.
If the Federal CARES Act isn’t renewed, the state needs to step in, so education workers are not forced to work while ill.
If you've already reached out to your legislators, THANK YOU! If you haven't yet, we need your help to get Illinois lawmakers to do their job.
TAKE ACTION. And, ask your friends, families and neighbors to do the same.
